An Evening with Autumn

 Sometimes paths align and everything works out perfectly. This was one of those times. After a last minute switch, I  get to shoot Autumn and her momma last Friday . It was a superb Washington evening. Warm, angelic sunlight with clouds spotting the skyline. Pair that with a delightful rambunctious almost 3 year old and it was a photographers dream.

Autumn was so outgoing. We let her call the shoots, taking point for her session, allowing the magic to happen. She turned a stick into a magic wand and a tree into a pinata. I am even fortunate to get my own piece of Autumn artwork. She drew my self portrait into a rock pile.

These sessions are my favorite for the love. When you get to chase after a young child and their family, you get to witness their spirit. You see how their relationship unfolds. The adoration it holds. A mother with her daughter playing together. Making memories. Strengthening their bond.

That is my goal as a photographer. My passion is to capture those in front of my camera as they are in that moment. Limited guided posing paired with natural interactions. This is how the magic happens.

For the you get those real smiles from little ones, not the posed fake smiles you can see through a mile away. You give that client images that can bring them back to the fun time they had. Running around this field together at sunset. Instead of remember that stressful hour where they posed unnaturally.

Because that sweet smile right there should be remembered for how it was. A silly piggy back ride with mommy, wearing a party hat for a birthday a few weeks away. Soaking up those moments of our babes being little while it lasts. The cuddles and idolization from our babies is gone all too soon.

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